Under the leadership of OUS Executive Director Dr. Phillip G. Queroda, along with Deputy Directors Dr. Romary R. Lincod and Dr. Erna M. Salazar, PSU LC Executive Director Dr. Renato E. Salcedo, OUS GAD Coordinator Dr. Presley V. de Vera, and OUS Extension Coordinator Dr. Jennie B. Fernandez, this outreach initiative extended its support to the underserved community members of the said barangay. Its overarching objectives included disseminating essential knowledge about gender and SOGIESC, imparting effective marketing strategies, offering financial management expertise, and fostering entrepreneurial skills.
Over the two-day training period, the event featured the expertise of the following esteemed trainers with their respective topics: Dr. Arlene N. Mendoza (Gender Analysis); Ms. Lea Sheraine A. Navarro (Fundamentals of Financial Management); Ms. Elizabeth A. Valencerina (Bottling, Packaging and Labelling of Bangus Sardines); Dr. Lina T. Cancino (Preparing Dishwashing Liquid); Ms. Jolina N. Abaquita (Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Business); Ms. Noemi C. Orlanda (Preparing Galunggong Sardines); and Ms. Helen G. Viray (Preparing Papaya Atchara).